The parchment codex MONB.VE was originally constructed as a codex of quaternions with an endpaper. The original -2 pagination scheme was preserved only up to the third quire, until an unknown error between the page numbers 42 (in the 3rd quire) and 61 (in the 4th quire) changed the page numbering from the end of the 4th to the beginning of the 6th quire to a normal pagination scheme. At the end of the 6th quire an unknown but obviously serious error occurred, such as the omission of a long passage of text, the correction of which required the original quaternion to become a quire of 11 leaves (quaternion minus one leaf plus a new binion or two single folios). So we are only dealing with an abnormal quire in the case of the 6th one. By repairing the 6th quire, the pagination of the 7th quire was continued with a +6 pagination scheme. This scheme was carried out unchanged from the 7th to the 15th quire, which is the last extant quire. Three bifolia in the 7th, 9th, and 14th quires were turned the other way round, thus breaking the sequence of the parchment composition of the pages according to “Gregory’s Rule” within these quires. Based on the extant leaves and on the representation of the codex structure, we can now say that the MONB.VE codex had once at least 232 written pages.
Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 122r →