Project Description
Project Description
The Digital Edition of the Coptic Old Testament is a long-term project at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony. It fills a huge lacuna, as no modern edition of the Bible in Coptic exists. The project aims to provide a complete documentation of the manuscript evidence, digital editions of all OT manuscripts, critical editions of all OT books, corpus-linguistic analyses and translations into English, German and Arabic.
Aims and Methodology
- Codicological and textual reconstruction of all extant witnesses to the Coptic-Sahidic Old Testament
- Standardised system for naming Coptic biblical codices
- Development of digital tools for the Coptic Bible / Coptic literature
Digital Workflow
- A List of Coptic Biblical Manuscripts (in cooperation with S. Richter and K. Sandmeier, INTF Münster)
- Digital editions (diplomatic & critical) and translations of the OT
- Huge corpus of digitised texts for the lexicography, dialectology and linguistic history of Ancient Egyptian
- With cooperation partners:
- a digital edition and information gateway for the entire Coptic Bible
- a virtual library of Coptic literature and manuscripts
- integrated digital linguistic analysis and lexicography tools
- an annotated corpus of the Sahidic Old Testament created from our Basetext is available on the website of our partner project Coptic Scriptorium
- digital text re-use and digital stylometry research

Digital Edition and Translation of the
Coptic-Sahidic Old Testament
Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony
Friedländer Weg 11
37085 Göttingen
kopt-at at gwdg de
+ 49 (0)551 39 - 37 01 0