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Kellia Meeting

Last week, we held a meeting with our project partners from KELLIA at the Heyne house in Göttingen. Our American friends and colleagues from Coptic Scriptorium, Caroline Schroeder, Rebecca Krawiec, Elizabeth Platte and Amir Zeldes were with us for the whole week to discuss the final outcome of the KELLIA project. We used this wonderful opportunity to also invite Paola Buzi and two of her colleagues, Julian Bogdani and Agostino Soldati, from the newly stablished PATHS project at Rome, to join us. Paola and her team gave an exciting presentation on their latest work and their future digital infrastructure. We are all extremely happy to have this major DH project in Coptology. We're also grateful that PATHS will continue the amazing work of Prof. Tito Orlandi’s venerable CMCL project.

As if this weren't enough, we were also lucky to have a few selected guest speakers from the field of Digital Humanities with us, so the meeting turned into a mini-conference. Kirill Bulert (eTRAP Research Group, Göttingen) and So Miyagawa (SRC 1136, Göttingen) gave a talk on Coptic OCR. Laura Slaughter from Oslo University presented a great paper on ontology and Coptic wordnets. Alberto Winterberg gave an update on the latest developments in the Berlin based project Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in CopticMatt Munson from Global Philology / Open Philology (Leipzig) joined us to introduce the CapiTainS suite for Canonical Text Services (CTS). And last but not least, Marco Büchler from the Göttingen Center for Digital Humanities gave a demonstration on his TRACER software for the detection of text-reuse. He also let us in on the secret of successful team building in DH projects. 

An intermediate outcome of this meeting for the Göttingen Old Testament project (and also for the Greek New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room at Münster Universitywill be the adoption of CTS for our texts (biblical and literary). Our project also agreed to provide the Sahidic version of the book of Isaiah to the KELLIA team to be used for corpus lingustic annotations, which we hope to integrate on our website later next year.



Visiting Intern

It is a great privilege for me to be visiting Göttingen for ten weeks and working at the Academy of Sciences and Humanities. I am currently undertaking a PhD at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Malcolm Choat (Sydney) and Dr. Alin Suciu (Göttingen), after recently completing a Master of Research in Coptic linguistics. My PhD topic is a codicological, palaeographic, and linguistic study of the fragments from the White Monastery codex MONB.FI, “The Life of Paul of Tamma”. I have spent my time here gaining valuable experience and training in the technical aspects of dealing with Coptic manuscripts, as well as receiving helpful advice regarding my project. At the same time it has been gratifying to be able to contribute to the Digital Edition of the Coptic Old Testament project by preparing a basetext of Ezekiel. Many thanks must go to my first Coptic teacher, Prof. Heike Behlmer, and to Dr. Frank Feder for making this visit possible, and to all the team here for making me feel so welcome.

New Trainee Introduction

My name is Joanna Hypszer and I'm the new trainee. I have previously studied at the Freie Universität Berlin, where I acquired an M.A. in Egyptology. 

I'm very grateful to the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities for this wonderful opportunity and I hope to learn a lot during my time here.

Ariel Sabar in Göttingen

On May 23, we will host a discussion with Ariel Sabar, the author of a splendid article which unveiled the forger of the Gospel of Jesus' Wife papyrus. Here is the official announcement:

Job Opening

The Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities has a job opening for the long-term project

Digital Edition and Translation of the Coptic-Sahidic Old Testament

This is a part-time position (50%) on the public service scale TV-L E 13, starting at the earliest possible date on or after July 1, 2017. The position is fixed-term. The project (planned completion date: December 31, 2036) is based in Göttingen.

The appointee will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Collection and catalogisation of Coptic manuscripts of the Old Testament in an online database (including, if required, the collation and examination of manuscript holdings in museums and collections)
  • Transcription and analysis of the manuscript texts to create a digital edition
  • Comparison and analysis of the textual tradition for the production of a critical edition of the individual books of the Coptic Old Testament
  • Translation of the Coptic text of the edition into English or German

Requirements are specifically:

  • Ph.D. or M.A. (or equivalent) in the areas of Coptic Studies, Theology/Religious Studies, Christian Oriental Studies or Byzantine Studies, Egyptology and related fields. Opportunities for training and the pursuit of further academic qualifications (e.g. a Ph.D.) are available.
  • A solid knowledge of the Coptic language (Sahidic dialect) and the literature/manuscript culture of Christian Egypt. Additional expertise and experience – especially in the areas of Philology/Editions, Manuscript Studies/Codicology and Digital Humanities – are particularly welcome.

Candidates are expected to have:

  • Willingness and ability to quickly familiarise themselves with the textual culture and history of the Coptic Old Testament
  • Familiarity with modern databases and online research and the willingness and ability to be trained in the use of a variety of Digital Humanities tools, methods and platforms
  • Language skills: the other dialects of Coptic, Ancient Greek and modern foreign languages (relevant for the project are a reading knowledge of German and French). Other language skills, in particular in Hebrew, Latin, Arabic, Syriac or Ethiopic (Ge'ez), are helpful.
  • Excellent time management and proven teamwork skills

The Göttingen Academy of Sciences is an equal opportunity employer. In case of identical qualifications applicants with disabilities will be considered on a preferential basis.

Closing date: May 31, 2017

Please send your application (cover letter, CV, copies of relevant diplomas, publication list, if applicable) – in electronic form – to:

Professor Heike Behlmer ( or:
Dr Frank Feder (

Both are available to answer any enquiries about the project. General project information can also be found here:

Coptic Keyboard for iOS (Repost from 2/18/16)

This post is outdated. An experimental Coptic keyboard for Keyman on iPhone and iPad can be downloaded here.

Apps for Coptic have been available in iOS for quite some time, but with the introduction of iOS 8 developers were finally able to publish their own custom keyboards. Here’s a little bit of information on how to install Coptic fonts and keyboards on iPhones and iPads.  

You have to purchase two apps from the AppStore first. AnyFont ($1.99) is little helper utility to install bascially any TrueType (.ttf) or OpenTypeFont (.otf) on your iPad or iPhone. The fonts will be available system wide in iOS, so it can help you with fonts for other languages than Coptic, too. KeyKit Customizable Keyboard ($1.99, with $0.99 in-app-purchase) is a full-flegded keyboard editor and customizer for iOS. I have created my own Coptic keyboard for the Antinoou Font with KeyKit. To install it, simply download this .keykit file on your iOS device and open it with the Keykit app. Then follow the installation instructions given in the app. Note that the keyboard is gesture based, so the behaviour is a little bit different from the standard keyboards built into iOS. Swipe down to get access to the shifted keyboard layout. On some keys you can also swipe up to select special characters like brackets, diacritics, etc. A keyboard chart for Coptic.keykit can be downloaded here. Please note that KeyKit does not support hardware keyboards.

LXX Workshop

From March 1-3 the Finnish Septuagint scholar Tuuka Kauhanen from the University of Helsinki was guest of the Coptic OT. Tuuka as editor of 2 Kingdoms for the Goettingen edition presented a new software allowing an automatical generation of the critical apparatus in the edition. We discussed ways and possibilities of a future parallel display of Greek and Coptic biblical texts with an integrated apparatus.

Nacht des Wissens 2017

Am 21. Januar fand von 17-24 Uhr die 3. "Göttinger Nacht des Wissens" statt, wobei ausgewählte Forschungseinrichtungen am Standort Göttingen allen Interessierten Einblicke in ihre Forschungsarbeit gaben. Auch unser Projekt war Teil des Ganzen, welches ich dort gemeinsam mit meinen lieben Kollegen Frank Feder, Malte Rosenau und Diliana Atanassova präsentieren konnte. Mit einer Non-Stop-Slideshow auf der Leinwand und einem Flyer konnten die Besucher einige spannende Details über die Schriftzeugnisse des koptischen Alten Testamentes erfahren. Außerdem gab es zwei Foto-Puzzles von antiken Manuskripten, welche einen Teil unserer Arbeit bildlich darstellen sollten, da auch wir versuchen, die teilweise in alle Welt zerstreuten fragmentierten Handschriften (digital) wieder zusammenzufügen.

Als Belohnung für das engagierte Mitmachen gab es selbstgebackene Plätzchen in ägyptischen und christlichen Motiven. Ebenfalls sehr beliebt bei den jüngeren Besuchern war es, Wörter oder Namen in koptischen Buchstaben auf Papyrus zu schreiben und dies als Erinnerung mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Alles in allem war diese Großveranstaltung ein riesiger Erfolg - laut Presse kamen 25.000 Besucher in dieser Nacht des Wissens zusammen.

Lagardehaus Visits

Our project partner Paola Buzi came to visit the Coptot team in early 2017. On a mere two half days (16-17 January) we managed to mutually update us on the latest developments concerning our current research as well as the next steps on our agendas.

As usual these days we devoted considerable time to explore ways of sharing in best practise and technology. It is exciting to learn about research that complements one's own work so fittingly as in the case of PAThs. A host of smaller and more ambitious ideas were exchanged and are out there now to be tested and further explored.

We are confident that useful and ground-breaking (to employ a more modest term) services emerge from our on-going partnership.

Biblindex Needs Our Help

The Biblindex project needs your support. Go save Biblindex today!



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