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Coptic Dictionary Online

As a fruit of the cooperation within KELLIA the XML Coptic Lemmalist developed by Frank Feder and extended and standardized by Maxim Kupreyev at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) - with contributions of some others, among them our Göttingen PhD student Julien Delhez - could be presented and tested at the 11th International Congress of Coptic Studies at Claremont (CA). Amir Zeldes and Emma Manning from Georgetown University managed in a quite short time frame to program a search interface that brought the dictionary online. The Coptic Dictionary Online offers all entries from Crum's Coptic Dictionary, with additions from other dictionaries like Westendorf's Koptisches Handwörterbuch, with bibliography and translations of the entries in English, German, and French. The base of the Coptic Dictionary Online, the XML Coptic Lemmalist will be further developed and enlarged (all inflected and dialect forms, Greek and other loanwords, Greek equivalents etc.) by the Berlin team of the BBAW and DDGLC.
