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Manuscript Survey in Ann Arbor (Michigan)

From November 13-18 Alin Suciu and Frank Feder - before participating in the Annual Meeting of the SBL at Boston - had the opportunity to visit the marvellous manuscript collection of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. A major part of this collection is based on aquisitions by Francis W. Kelsey (1858-1927), a scholar, archeologist, collector and entrepreneur.


The papyrus and special collections include a great number of Coptic manuscripts which have not been catalogued and explored yet. Thanks to the generous assistance and cooperation by the curators, Monica Tsuneishi, Brendan Haug, and Pablo Alvarez, Alin and Frank were able to see and document a great deal of the Coptic material and to discover some important new fragments.

However, there is still a lot left which derserves our attention; so, we have to come back.

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