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Showcase "Shenoute: 4th/5th century abbot and eminent Coptic Writer"

Showcase: Window onto Egyptian Monasticism

Shenoute: 4th/5th century abbot and eminent Coptic writer

Tuesday 17 May 6.00–8.00 pm

Tagungszentrum, Meeting Room 1, “Großer Seminarraum”

Welcome address by the Director of the Collaborative Research Centre “Education and Religion”, Peter Gemeinhardt, Professor of Church History at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
• Stephen Emmel: “Schenute (ca. 348–465): koptischer Mönch, Klostervorsteher, Schriftsteller”
• Bentley Layton: “The Structure of Monastic Life in Shenoute’s Monastery”
• Alin Suciu: “The Library of Shenoute’s Monastery: Center of Monastic Knowledge and Culture”
• Frederik Wisse: “Shenoute and the Bible”

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