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Guest Post by Antonia St Demiana

This past February and March, I was fortunate to work alongside the outstanding team of Coptologists of the Complete Digital Edition and Translation of the Coptic Sahidic Old Testament project at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The purpose of my visit was to gain advice, training, and assistance with my research on Coptic Leviticus, which I am preparing for my PhD dissertation at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (under the supervision of Heike Behlmer, Malcolm Choat, Victor Ghica, and Alin Suciu). My work focuses on the text of Morgan manuscript 566, which is the oldest, most complete, extant codex of Leviticus in any Coptic dialect; it also examines the other surviving witnesses of Coptic Leviticus. During my stay, I was given special access to the project’s digital repository of photographs which was essential for my work. I extend my special thanks to Diliana Atanassova who greatly assisted me daily with the codicological aspects of my witnesses and with other areas of my research on so many levels. A huge thank you to Alin Suciu for your expertise and assistance with my fragments. Special thanks also to Heike Behlmer and Frank Feder for making this trip possible for me. And thank you to the rest of the CoptOT team: To Felix Albrecht, Julien Delhez, Suzana Hodak, Joanna Hypszer, Theresa Kohl, Chrysi Kotsifou, So Miyagawa, Malte Rosenau and Ulrich Schmid, I am grateful to all of you for your help and for making me feel welcome.


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