The CoptOT VMR – An Introduction

The Coptic Old Testament Virtual Manuscript Room (CoptOT VMR) is a collaborative research environment for the study of the Coptic Old Testament and Coptic literature. Built on a strong foundation of Open Source Software, it comprises 

  • a growing database of Coptic manuscripts, complete with images and transcriptions
  • tools for indexing and transcribing manuscripts online
  • a tool set for creating critical editions of biblical and literary texts 

The Manuscript Catalog

The Catalog Tool is a powerful tool in the Virtual Manuscript Room that can take on multiple forms. In Full Search Mode, the Catalog Tool is allows the user to search for mansucripts by name, library, biblical content, and other manuscript features.

In Tab-Mode the Catalog Tool will show search results and allow the user to refine those results.  

Selecting a manuscript from the results will usually trigger other components of the VMR to show additional information like manuscript details, images or 



The Workspace


Virtual Manuscript Room Collaborative Research Environment (VMR CRE)