
Retrieve variant apparatus data


indexContenttrueN/Awhich range of apparatus to obtainActs.4.5
segmentGroupIDfalse-1limit results to a specific segmentGroupID; -1 = all3
projectNamefalseProject Name from which data should be retrieved (i.e., lookup the project segmentGroupID by project name)ECM Matthew
augmentGroupIDfalseaugment results with segments from another group7
includeBaselinefalseinclude a baseline edition with apparatusECM
baselinefalseuse baseline module for any necessary computation but don't inclue in the outputECM
stylefalseinclude a style with outputMinimal
segmentfalsefocus and highlight a segment2-4
highlightDocIDfalsehighlight a witness10047
introsfalsetruewhether or not to turn on introduction slots, e.g., Matt.1.0, Matt.Inscriptio, Matt.Subscriptiofalse
groupAugmentedWitnessesfalsefalsewhether or not to group all witnesses added from the {augmentGroupID} into their own section at the end of the witness listtrue
breakoutSublabelReadingsfalsetruewhether or not to break out sublabel readings into their own readings. Experimentalfalse
includeProjectStatusfalsea projectID which should be queried to retrieve and display work progress for each segment1
includeOnlyProjectWitnessesfalseinclude only witnesses from a project specified by projectID1
witnessDelimiterfalse. separation string to use between witness sigla,
detailfalsecompleteadd extra detail if desiredextra
positiveConversionfalsefalseconvert 'a' readings to positive apparatustrue
cleanHandsfalsefalsecleanup hands display: remove additional hands if they agree with original; add * to original if corrector reads differentlytrue
collapseByzfalsefalsecollapse Byz witnesses according to INTF rulestrue
collapseAfalsefalsecollapse A witnesses according to INTF rulestrue
buildLacfalsetruebuild lac reading if it is missingfalse
buildAfalsetruebuild A reading if it is missing and includeBaseline is providedfalse
formatfalsespecified at session openresponse output format (json|xml|csv|gchart)json


{indexContent} may not be null-4