
Submit a new or modified regularization rule.


regIDfalseregularization rule id to modify. if not provided, a new regularization rule will be created.27
userNamefalseowner of the regularization rulepsmith
projectNamefalseproject name to assign rule toECM Matthew
projectIDfalseproject ID to assign rule to12
indexContentfalseindex context for this ruleJn.2.2
scopefalsescope of rule (Verse, Global, Once)
visibilityfalsevisibility of rule (Public, Private)
sourceWordfalsesource word to change in the text
targetWordfalsetarget word to change the source word to
contextPrefalsecontext immediately before the source word
contextPostfalsecontext immediately after the source word
userDatafalseuser data
createDatefalsenowcreate date yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss2024-05-21 16:15:27
typefalsetype of rule (Spelling, Iticism)
optionsfalsepipe-separated list of options for the rule or an int value, e.g., IGNORE_SUPPLIED|IGNORE_UNCLEAR|ONLY_NOMSAC
commentfalseany user notes about this rule
formatfalsespecified at session openresponse output format (json|xml|csv|gchart)json


Must be logged in to edit regularization rules.-5