Canvas Material: Parchment Construction:
1st Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
1/2-/-┏━━━━━━━ F/H
3/4[1]/[2]┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
5/6┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
7/8┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
9/10┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
11/12┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
13/14┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
15/16┗━━━━━━━ H/F
2nd Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
17/18┏━━━━━━━ F/H
19/20┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
21/22┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
23/2421/22┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (Fraction of Timothy of Alexandria); Prayer (after the Pater Nostrum) / Prayer (another prayer after the Pater Nostrum); Other (Absolution)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 1
25/26┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
27/28┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
29/3027/28┃┗━━━━━━ F/HF/HPrayer (Anaphora of St Gregory from the introduction of the Sanctus to the account of the Incarnation)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 2
31/3229/30┗━━━━━━━ H/FH/FParis, BnF, Copte 133(2), f. 95f
3rd Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
33/34┏━━━━━━━ F/H
35/36[33]/[34]┃┏━━━━━━ H/FH/F
37/38┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
39/40┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
41/4239/40┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/HF/HPrayer (Intercession of the Anaphora of St Cyril) / Prayer (Intercession of the Anaphora of St Cyril)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 3
43/4441/42┃┃┗━━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (Intercession of the Anaphora of St Cyril) / Prayer (Intercession of the Anaphora of St Cyril)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 4
45/46┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
47/48┗━━━━━━━ H/F
4th Quire (ⲇ̄)
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
49/50┏━━━━━━━ F/H
51/52┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
53/54┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
55/56┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
57/58┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
59/60┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
61/6261/62┃┗━━━━━━ F/HF/HPrayer (Intercession and conclusion in the form of Epiclesis of an unknown Anaphora) / Prayer (Intercession and conclusion in the form of Epiclesis of an unknown Anaphora)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 121
63/6463/64┗━━━━━━━ /ⲇ̄ H/FH/FPrayer (Conclusion in the form of Epiclesis of an unknown Anaphora); Prayer (Anaphora of St John of Bosra) / Prayer (Anaphora of St John of Bosra until the middle of the prayer before the Sanctus)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 122
5th Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
65/66┏━━━━━━━ F/H
67/68┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
69/70┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
71/72┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
73/74┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
75/76┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
77/78┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
79/80┗━━━━━━━ H/F
6th Quire (ⲋ̄)
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
81/8281/82 F/HF/HPrayer (Conclusion of final Doxology of an Anaphora); Prayer (Beginning of the Anaphora of St Thomas) / Prayer (Anaphora of Saint Thomas - Sanctus and Post-Sanctus - Introduction of the account of the Creation and Fall)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 123
95/96101/102H/FF/HPrayer (End of Epiclesis and intercession of the Anaphora of Severus of Antioch) / Prayer (Intercession of the Anaphora of Severus of Antioch)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 5
7th Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
97/98[103]/[104]┏━━━━━━━ F/H
99/100105/106┃┏━━━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (Continuation of the intercession of the preceding Anaphora) / Prayer (Continuation of the intercession of the preceding Anaphora)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 6
101/102107/108┃┃┏━━━━━ F/HH/FPrayer (Continuation of the intercession of the preceding Anaphora) / Prayer (Continuation of the intercession of the preceding Anaphora)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 7
103/104[109]/[110]┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
105/106[111]/[112]┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
107/108113/114┃┃┗━━━━━ H/FF/HPrayer (unknown Anaphora of the Syrian type. Missing beginning) / Other (Account of the Creation)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 8
109/110115/116┃┗━━━━━━ F/HF/HPrayer (Account of the Creation - beginning of the Anamnesis) / Prayer (Anamnesis)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 9
111/112[117]/[118]┗━━━━━━━ H/F
8th Quire (ⲏ̄)
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
113/114[119]/[120]┏━━━━━━━ F/H
115/116121/122┃┏━━━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (Fragments of intercession of the preceding unknown Anaphora) / Prayer (Fragments of intercession of the preceding unknown Anaphora)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 124
117/118┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
119/120┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
121/122┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
123/124┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
125/126┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
127/128133/134┗━━━━━━━ /ⲏ̄ H/FH/FPrayer (Intercession and conclusion of an unknown Anaphora starting with the prayers after the Epiclesis of the Liturgy of St James) / Prayer (Intercession and conclusion of an unknown Anaphora starting with the prayers after the Epiclesis of the Liturgy of St James)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 125
9th Quire (ⲑ̄)
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
129/130135/136┏━━━━━━━ ⲑ̄/ F/HF/HPrayer (Intercession and conclusion of an unknown Anaphora starting with the prayers after the Epiclesis of the Liturgy of St James) / Prayer (Intercession and conclusion of an unknown Anaphora starting with the prayers after the Epiclesis of the Liturgy of St James)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 126
131/132137/138┃┏━━━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (Intercession and conclusion of an unknown Anaphora starting with the prayers after the Epiclesis of the Liturgy of St James - Anaphora of St Matthew) / Prayer (Anaphora of St Matthew)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 127
133/134139/140┃┃┏━━━━━ F/HF/HPrayer (Anaphora of St Matthew - Sanctus) / Prayer (Anaphora of St Matthew)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 128
135/136141/142┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/FF/HPrayer (Anaphora of St Matthew) / Prayer (Anaphora of St Matthew)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 129
137/138143/144┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/HH/FPrayer (Anaphora of St Matthew) / Prayer (Anaphora of St Matthew)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 130
139/140145/146┃┃┗━━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (Anaphora of St Matthew) / Prayer (Anaphora of St Matthew)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 131
141/142[147]/[148]┃┗━━━━━━ F/HF/HPrayer (Anaphora of St Matthew) / Prayer (Anaphora of St Matthew); Prayer (Beginning of an unknown Anaphora of St James )Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 132
143/144┗━━━━━━━ H/F
10th Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
145/146┏━━━━━━━ F/H
147/148┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
149/150┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
151/152┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
153/154┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
155/156┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
157/158┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
159/160┗━━━━━━━ H/F
11th Quire (ⲓ̄ⲁ̄)
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
161/162┏━━━━━━━ F/H
163/164┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
165/166┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
167/168┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
169/170┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
171/172┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
173/174┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
175/176181/182┗━━━━━━━ /ⲓ̄ⲁ̄ H/FH/FPrayer (Fraction missing the beginning) / Prayer (Fraction missing the beginning - Fraction prayer of Patriarch Severus)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 133
12th Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
177/178┏━━━━━━━ F/H
179/180┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
181/182┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
183/184┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
185/186┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
187/188193/194┃┃┗━━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (Conclusion of a Thanksgiving prayer - Another Thanksgiving prayer after the communion) / Prayer (End of the Thanksgiving prayer after the communion - Thanksgiving prayer of the Const. Apost. incomplete)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 134
189/190┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
191/192┗━━━━━━━ H/F
13th Quire
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
193/194┏━━━━━━━ F/H
195/196┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
197/198┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
199/200┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
201/202┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
203/204┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
205/206┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
207/208┗━━━━━━━ H/F
14th Quire (ⲓ̄ⲇ̄)
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
209/210215/216┏━━━━━━━ ⲓ̄ⲇ̄/ F/HF/HPrayer (End of a prayer of inclination; another long prayer of final inclination of the head, (that) of the Son) / Prayer (Continuation of the final prayer of inclination, missing end)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 10
211/212┃┏━━━━━━ H/F
213/214┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
215/216221/222┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/FF/HPrayer (End of a prayer of inclination; beginning of a prayer of final inclination of the head) / Prayer (End of a prayer of final inclination of the head; Other prayers to consume the Holy Gifts)Vatican City, BAV, Borg. copt. 109, cass. XXIV, fasc. 100, f. 11
217/218┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
219/220[225]/[226]┃┃┗━━━━━ H/FCairo, CM, Inv. 3911
221/222[227]/[228]┃┗━━━━━━ F/HF/HPrayer (Fraction prayer of the Liturgy of St Basil) / Prayer (Another fraction prayer of the Liturgy of St Basil; Fraction prayer of the Patriarch)London, BL, Or. 3580 A.13
223/224┗━━━━━━━ H/F
15th Quire (ⲓ̄ⲉ̄)
Regular Actual QuaternionGregory’s
225/226[231]/[232]┏━━━━━━━ ⲓ̄ⲉ̄/ F/HF/HOther (Wedding ritual - end of prayer of anointment); Prayer (of anointment) / Prayer (of the crown; another prayer of anointment)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 135
227/228233/234┃┏━━━━━━ H/FH/FPrayer (end of the prayer of anointment; prayer of the bread) / Prayer (end of prayer of the bread; Beginning of a prayer on the wine)Paris, BnF, Copte 129(20), f. 136
229/230┃┃┏━━━━━ F/H
231/232┃┃┃┏━━━━ H/F
233/234┃┃┃┗━━━━ F/H
235/236┃┃┗━━━━━ H/F
237/238┃┗━━━━━━ F/H
239/240┗━━━━━━━ H/F
100th Quire
Regular Actual UnionGregory’s
241/242┏━━━━━━━ F/HF/HParis, BnF, Copte 133(2), f. 94a
243/244┗━━━━━━━ H/F
101st Quire
Regular Actual UnionGregory’s
245/246┏━━━━━━━ F/HParis, BnF, Copte 133(2), f. 95a
247/248┗━━━━━━━ H/F
102nd Quire
Regular Actual UnionGregory’s
249/250┏━━━━━━━ F/HParis, BnF, Copte 133(2), f. 95e
251/252┗━━━━━━━ H/F

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