docID | true | N/A | manuscript id to modify. if not found in database, a new manuscript will be created (-1 for next available user scoped docID) | 10046 |
gaNum | false | | human recognizable identifier for this manuscript | P46 |
contentOverview | false | | general overview of the contents of this manuscript | eapr |
lang | false | | ISO 639 / ethnologue language codes for the content of this manuscript. separate multilingual manuscript codes with dash | grc-lat |
leavesCount | false | | count of leaves | 2 |
leavesDesc | false | | description of leaves | 5 fragments of 2 leaves |
originYearEarly | false | | early threshold for the date of this manuscript | 150 |
originYearLate | false | | late threshold for the date of this manuscript | 250 |
originYearDesc | false | | manuscript date, in prose | II/III |
columns | false | | column count for this manuscript | 2 |
columnsMax | false | | column count max, if column count varies throughout manuscript; if this is provided, use {columns} parameter for min | 3 |
columnsDesc | false | | columns description that is displayed | e:1, ap:2 |
lineCount | false | | line count for this manuscript | 17 |
lineCountMax | false | | line count max, if line count varies throughout manuscript; if this is provided, use {lineCount} parameter for min | 18 |
lineCountDesc | false | | line count description that is displayed | 11r, 13v |
height | false | | height for this manuscript, in millimeters | for 19.0cm, 190 |
heightMax | false | | height max in millimeters, if height varies throughout manuscript; if this is provided, use {height} parameter for min | 195 |
width | false | | width for this manuscript, in millimeters | for 27.5cm, 275 |
widthMax | false | | width max in millimeters, if width varies throughout manuscript; if this is provided, use 'width' parameter for min | 280 |
comment | false | | any general comments about this manucript | |
v11n | false | | versification of document if different from system default, DEFAULT to reset to default | DEFAULT |
isUserDocument | false | false | true, if this document should be "user" scoped, instead of global | true |
userGroup | false | | limit this manuscript to a user group, 'NONE' to unassign | NONE |
format | false | specified at session open | response output format (json|xml|csv|gchart) | json |