lti_message_type: null

lti_version: null

resource_link_id (the instance of our app on a page in the lms): null

context_id (any instance of our app within the same course): null

user_id (same across all courses of 1 system): null

roles: null

oauth_consumer_key (create new ones and give unique ones out to each lms): null

oauth_nonce (random. don't allow repeated, for security): null

oauth_timestamp (also for security, make sure not too old): null

oauth_signature: null

lis_person_name_full: null

lis_person_contact_email_primary: null

lis_person_name_given: null

lis_person_name_family: null

lis_outcome_service_url (send grades here): null

please tell your lms they aren't sending a nonce.