
Submit a new image association for a manuscript page.


docIDtrueN/Amanuscript id for the image10046
pageIDtrueN/Apage id for the image10
surrIDfalsesurrogate id for the image. If not given, one will be assigned10
urifalseimage uri
distLicIDfalsedistribution license id. [0 - public, 1 - expert access]0
protectLevelfalselevel of protect for image. Higher levels make it harder to grab image from viewer, but also make loading slower and sometimes disable caching. Default: 099
attributionfalsecredit attribution which should be associated with imageImage courtesy of <a href="">XYZ Library</a>
formatfalsespecified at session openresponse output format (json|xml|csv|gchart)json


{docID} may not be null-4
{pageID} may not be null-4
Must be logged in.-5